The Second Wind of God’s Encouragement

‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.’

(Heb 12:1b-2a)

Perseverance is a powerful expression of faith and crucial to breakthrough. We are called to a lifestyle of perseverance.

But God is not like an intimidating sports coach, waiting to rebuke you when you falter in the race of life. Jesus is at the finish line cheering you on and saying, ‘Keep going!’ ‘Keep going!’ His Spirit is within and upon you, available to provide everything you need. 


The Second Wind of Recalling God’s Past Faithfulness 

Following God’s instructions to Joshua, the Israelite army has marched once around the walled city of Jericho daily for 6 days. Now, on the 7th day, they are to march around the city 7 times. (Joshua 6) 

Imagine being a soldier, and you have already marched 6 times around Jericho on that 7th day. Right now, you may be a little weary. And yet, there is still more marching ahead of you. 

It doesn’t make any natural sense. Why the delay of time? Why the incomprehensible marching, using physical strength that you need to reserve for the battle ahead?  Sometimes, life is like that. It seems like you are circling the walls of impossibility; High and Impenetrable.


The Second Wind of Power to Pray 

‘Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.’ (Luke 18:1)

Six times, Elijah has sent his servant to look for the first signs of God’s answer to his prayer for rain. But the sky remains a stubborn blue. 

‘Lord, you have given the word. I know this is your plan. Here I am in Your Presence, and I’m not giving up until I have the answer.’ 

Elijah puts his head down to the ground again and prays. Now, he sends his servant for the 7th time.

“I see a cloud; the size of a man’s hand.” 

 And yet that is all Elijah needs to be certain that God’s answer has arrived. Now he must act quickly on God’s answer. (1 Kings 18:41- 45) You can not stop, keep praying, God’s answer is on the way; learn how to rejoice at small signs! 


The Second Wind of God’s Grace for Forgiveness 

Isaac has been forced to change locations, and the effort of moving his family, servants and flocks is enormous. (Gen 26) His servants have been hard at work re-opening wells that his father Abraham once used and discovering fresh sources of water. 

However, locals contend that the water belongs to them. Remarkably, when a .   dispute over position and property comes up, Isaac is willing to release and move on. There are new wells ahead.   Have you been in a place of dispute? Release the offense and move on. 

Don’t Settle for ‘Enough’ when ‘Encounter’ and ‘Enlargement’ are still Ahead. 

The season of contention is over. Isaac is now free to settle in Rehoboth the place where he has freedom to live. (Gen 26:16-22) But his Divine appointment is still ahead of him. 

Room enough, and yet there is still more. In order to receive the fullness of God’s blessing, Isaac has to forge ahead to God’s appointed place for him, and that is Beersheba. 

Beersheba is significant, and not just because it has access to water. It is a place appointed for Divine encounter. Not only Isaac, but also in times to come Jacob, Hagar and Elijah will have significant encounters with God in Beersheba. And in centuries to come it will be known as the southernmost border of Israel. 

Maybe you have worked hard and are finally positioned in a place where there is ‘room enough’, but God is saying, ‘I have more for you.’ Will you be satisfied with ‘enough’? Or will you press on to the place of encounter and enlargement?


Prophetic Word of Encouragement: 

Today, I believe our God is saying, “Don’t settle for less than the fullness of what He has for you. It has cost you to get where you are today. But He has still more for you up ahead. Receive the second wind of His Spirit and keep going, for Your best season is yet to come and approaching soon.”  


Pastor Clinton House

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