Marriage Ministry

Soul Walk

Veterans Food Drive

Items Needed 

Peanut Butter                                                               Spaghetti Sauce

Peanut & Cheese Crackers                                         Pop-top canned fruits & vegetables (pull tab)                                      

Beef Jerky                                                                     Macaroni & Cheese

Apple Sauce                                                                  Individually Packaged chips/pretzels0Goldfish

Pudding                                                                         Boxed Drinks, juice and water

Fruit Cups                                                                     Vienna Sausages (with pull tab)

Granola Bars                                                                Pop Tarts

Power                                                                            Individual Packets of Oatmeal

Cereal Bars                                                                   Plastic Spoons

Single serving items of Chef Boyardee Items        Gallon Sized Ziploc Bags

Ravioli/ Spaghetti – O’s                                             Fruit Snacks

Single Serving Soups (with pull tab)                        Dried Fruit

Tomato Juice                                                               Trail Mix

Packaged Nuts                                                            Any kind of pasta