Take God at His Word


45 And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Luke 1:45

12 Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. Jeremiah 1:12

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

 What does it look like when God performs his word? The word performance here actually means a completing, perfecting, fulfillment or accomplishment. When God is watching over His Word to perform it, means that He not only speaks that Word but follows it through until the manifestation.

It’s almost like a vessel leaving its port with a destination in mind. The two sure things are the place of launch and the place of landing. What however, is unpredictable is what can happen on the journey. Often when we receive a Word or a promise from God, initially we are excited and full of faith about that Word. However the journey of that Word to manifestation often rattles our faith. I believe we don’t usually doubt God, but often second guess whether or not we heard it correctly. Did God really mean this Word for me?

I am assured of one thing God will go to great lengths to “watch over” His Word. It’s more than a fulfillment, it’s a performance. He will fight fear, doubt, and the enemies that try to devour that promise from growing inside of us.

What has God spoken to you? What promises has He put inside of your heart? I would like to challenge your faith to keep rehearsing those things. God is not only the source behind those promises, but He is the power in front of them. He will watch over, and carry that Word from its launching point to its destination.

Take God at His Word.


Bring on the Rain!

Bring on the Rain

I hear the sounds of showers of blessings,
The Lord Commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,
And the waters increased, prevailed, exceedingly, lifting up the Ark (Church) above the earth; Bring on the Rain,
Psalms 78:23, Malachi 3:10, Genesis 7



Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.
Isaiah 49:8,13

Promise Keeper


For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. -2 Corinthians 1:20-22 (KJV)

God keeps his Word. Most of us have promises or things that we have received into our hearts that God has said he will do. If He has spoken it He will make it good. It is when those promises have been delayed that we have to be reminded again of the very character of God, and the character of His Word. Hebrews 6:18 lets us know that it is impossible for Him to lie. The character of God is truth, and the character of his Word is fruitfulness. Life will often present things to negate what you are expecting. His Word overrides negative reports and prospers in what He sends it to do.

God takes pleasure in prospering his people. He is looking for a life to prosper, and to fulfill what has been promised.  God does not always bless us because we deserve it, or even because we have earned it. He blesses us often because of His name’s sake. When His Word is on the line, so is His name.

If you are still waiting on something to be fulfilled in your life, you can wait with expectation knowing that the God of creation will keep all of his promises.

Be Blessed!

Pastor Clinton House

Jericho Hour w/ Dr. Marvin Sapp


Jericho Hour w/ Dr. Marvin Sapp

The week of Vision Sunday just got a little better!!! Dr. Marvin Sapp will be joining us for Jericho Hour Wednesday March 26th. Jericho Hour starts at 6:30PM. Invite someone to come!


Restoring the Love Cycle


Mark 12:30-31

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.


Restoring the Love Cycle

The ultimate love relationship is with God. If you have ever felt unloved, rejected, heartbroken, disappointed, it’s usually because someone or some relationship you put your hope into let you down. People are going to fail us, we are going to fail others and even knowing that truth we are still required to love.  Abiding in love is not just vertical, between us and God.  It’s also horizontal one towards one another. Loving God is the easy part, loving others is the challenge. However, difficult is not the same as impossible. God will never require you to do something that He doesn’t give you the grace to accomplish.


There is a cycle to how love works. I open my heart to God, he fills me with His love, and I in turn show that love to other people. Love gets blocked at the place where we close our hearts. Sometimes our heart is closed to God and other times our heart is closed towards others. Today I challenge you if you have been failed or disappointed and your heart is closed, give the love of God another chance. Let the love of God fill you again. Do yourself a favor and unclog the blockage and forgive.You will find that as you invite the power of God into your life to fill you with His love, you will rekindle a love affair so great that loving others will happen naturally.

Let the love cycle begin again!

Vision Sunday w/ Bishop Tudor Bismark

Help us Celebrate our future and the fulfillment of the Vision at Mountaintop Faith Ministries

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Horizons: March Edition


Mountaintop’s Monthly Newsletter. Catch up on the Latest!

The Confident Man 2014 – w/ Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer

This will be an amazing time for men to be empowered. Register Below!!! It’s Free! tcm

free registration


Ask, Seek, Knock


 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Luke 11:9-10

 This text gives three action words in respect to prayer. Ask, Seek, and Knock.

Ask implies want, not just for things but often for answers. Why am I in this situation? What do I need to learn? How do I move forward? Lord if this is your will I sure would love to have this.

Seek implies loss, or even the pursuit of something. Where do I go for the answer? What changes do I need to make to get to my next level? It is the personal challenge to stay close to the heart and presence of God. His will is more important than anything else.

Knock implies need. It is as simple as it sounds. It is the continual sound of your prayer knocking on God’s door until you get an answer. It is the posture of faith that expects that door to open.

It is the Father’s pleasure to answer prayer, but God cannot answer prayers that are not made. I think all of us have had seasons when our faith was on the mountaintop and we felt like we could boldly ask God for anything. Conversely, we probably have faltered in faith and failed to pray for things that we really needed help with.

Today is a new day, and another opportunity to grow in the area of prayer. I believe in this season of Divine Manifestation our expectations have to grow. This is the year to really begin to have some God Sized dreams that will require some God Sized prayers to be answered. It is my prayer for you that your faith will be ignited and your prayer life will intensify. What do you need God to do in your or through you this year? Ask, Seek, and Knock!