Ignite 2020

Veterans Stand Down

Discipleship Classes

Man Cave Monday

Baby Dedication


21 Day Prayer Journal

NCDC November Pastors, Leaders & Workers Conference

Shop Amazon Smile on Black Friday

Who’s shopping online for Black Friday deals? If you’re doing any shopping on Amazon and you want to help support MFM, shop at smile.amazon.com, choose Mountaintop Faith Ministries as your designated non-profit and Amazon will make a contribution on your behalf. Best of all it doesn’t cost you anything extra! 

Shop the deals and support the Vision at the same time.

Click here to start shopping

Tune in God At Work Monday

Good Afternoon

A few weeks ago I joined Rich Marshall in Orlando as a guest on the new God@Work television show. This program, that highlights how God is at work in people’s lives around the world, is produced by GodTV and my segment will air tomorrow, October 29th at 5:30 PM PDT.

I really enjoyed my time with Rich and his other guests as we explored the power of God at work in our daily lives. Please tune in and tell your friends about it!

GodTV is on channel 365 if you have DirecTV; or you can get it online at god.tv. Online: www.god.tv/vod; then click on series and scroll down to God@Work, I am on episode 45.

I genuinely hope you will watch the program tomorrow and drop me a note letting me know what you think. It would help if you copied Rich on that as well, so he knows what people are saying about the show.  You can reach out to Rich at rmarshall@god.tv

Remember: channel 365 on DirecTV; or online at www.God.tv/vod

Thanks for watching!

Dr. Mary L House