Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace


We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!

FPU classes meet for around an hour and a half each week for nine weeks.


Kingdom Kids: Change a Life Sunday!


If you missed the opportunity to Change a Life April 19th, Pastor House has requested that everyone collect their spare change this week and bring it to service Sunday April 26th to support Kingdom Kids Ministry!

Finance and Budgeting Session


YAFC has an Empowerment Session on Finance and Budgeting this coming Sunday, April 12th, after second service in the main sanctuary.

The Confident Man 2015


Register Now for The Confident Man 2015- Dream Again Saturday April 25th! Registration is FREE!  Click here to Register!

This Men’s Summit is from 9AM 012:30PM and we’ll be covering Family, Faith, Finances, Health and more. Let’s Talk!

Resurrection Sunday 2015


2015 Hat Extravaganza


Dr. Ane Mercer 3.29 (8AM)


Dr. Ane Mercer will be with us on Sunday March 29th for our 8AM Service. Join us for worship!

MFM Scholarship Program


The MFM Scholarship is made possible by The Lewis Family Foundation Honoring the memory of Harold R. Lewis Sr., Betty Golder & Charles and Mary Ann Ricard. This is available to MFM Graduating High school Seniors.

DEADLINE: APRIL 26th, 2015

Click Here for the scholarship application

Vision Sunday


Sunday March 22nd is Vision Sunday! This is a time we set apart to focus our support on The Learning Center. Please bring a $20 seed or more to help get closer to building The Learning Center.

Women’s Movie Night!


The Women’s Empowerment Group Present Movie Night Friday April 17th @ 7PM. All women are welcome!