‘Nevada Pro Bono Services’

The Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada’s Mission is to the preservation of access to justice and the provision of quality legal counsel, advice and representation for individuals who are unable to protect their rights because they cannot afford an attorney.  How this legal service is provided is through the Pro Bono Project. 

The Pro Bono Project coordinates private attorneys who generously volunteer to provide free legal services to individual who cannot afford an attorney.  While the attorneys do not charge clients their hourly rates, clients are responsible for any cost in the case that cannot be waived. 

Through the Project, pro bono attorneys provide assistance with matters including, but not limited to, real estate, consumer fraud, bankruptcy, and family law, including representation of domestic violence victims and child victims of abuse. 


The Pro Bono Project matches private attorney volunteers with low-income individuals in need of assistance in the following areas:

  • Adoption
  • Bankruptcy
  • Child Abuse/Neglect (Representing Children)
  • Civil/Consumer
  • Divorce
  • Domestic Violence


The above list is not exclusive of the areas of assistance.  It is also important to note that they DO NOT provide assistance with criminal, employment, personal injury, or traffic matters. 

To apply for services, residents of Clark County must meet financial guidelines established the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. 

If an applicant meets the initial requirements, the applicant will be scheduled for an interview with an intake advocate. The applicant will be required to provide proof of all Household income and documents related to the case. 

Once all necessary intake information has been provided, the case will be considered by a review committee.  The committee will determine whether we will assist the applicant based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, merits of the case and availability of volunteers.  

If the committee decides to accept the case, the applicant will then be placed on a waiting list while we begin the process of trying to match the case with an available volunteer attorney. This process typically takes between 30 and 90 days. 

Once a person is accepted for service, they MUST: 

  1. Keep the Project informed of any changes in contact information;
  2. Notify the Project immediately of any changes in household income;
  3. While on the waiting list, inform the Project of any developments in your case and provide us with copies of any documents received from the court or opposing party;
  4. Be prompt and prepared for all meetings with the volunteer attorney; and
  5. Be prepared to pay any costs associated with your case (You will not be charged attorney’s fees, but volunteer attorneys are not necessarily agreeing to pay out of their pockets for costs in your case. 

For more information, please contact the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada @ 702-386-1070.

By Tanika Capers, Esq.


Question: “What does the Bible say about managing your finances?”

Answer: The Bible has a lot to say about managing finances. Concerning borrowing, the Bible generally advises against it.

See Proverbs 6:1-5; 20:16; 22:7, 26-27 (“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender…. Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you”). Over and over again, the Bible warns against the accumulation of wealth and encourages us to seek spiritual riches instead. Proverbs 28:20: “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” See also Proverbs 10:15; 11:4; 18:11; 23:5.

Proverbs 6:6-11 offers wisdom concerning laziness and the financial ruin that inevitably results. We are told to consider the industrious ant who works to store up food for itself. The passage also warns against sleeping when we should be working at something profitable. A “sluggard” is a lazy, slothful person who would rather rest than work. His end is assured-poverty and want. At the other end of the spectrum is the one who is obsessed with gaining money. Such a one, according to Ecclesiastes 5:10, never has enough wealth to satisfy him and must be constantly grasping more and more. First Timothy 6:6-11 also warns against the trap of desiring wealth.

Rather than desiring to heap riches upon ourselves, the biblical model is one of giving, not getting. “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). We are also encouraged to be good stewards of what God has given us. In Luke 16:1-13, Jesus told the parable of the dishonest steward as a way of warning us against poor stewardship. The moral of the story is “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (v. 11). We are also responsible to provide for our own household, as 1 Timothy 5:8 reminds us: “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

In summary, what does the Bible say about managing money? The answer can be summarized with a single word-wisdom. We are to be wise with our money. We are to save money, but not hoard it. We are to spend money, but with discretion and control. We are to give back to the Lord, joyfully and sacrificially. We are to use our money to help others, but with discernment and the guidance of God’s Spirit. It is not wrong to be rich, but it is wrong to love money. It is not wrong to be poor, but it is wrong to waste money on trivial things. The Bible’s consistent message on managing money is to be wise. If you need financial help, you can inquire more through Christian Financial Concepts – http://www.crown.org.

Recommended Resource: The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

Information taken from: https://www.gotquestions.org/managing-finances.html



The Second Wind of God’s Encouragement

‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.’

(Heb 12:1b-2a)

Perseverance is a powerful expression of faith and crucial to breakthrough. We are called to a lifestyle of perseverance.

But God is not like an intimidating sports coach, waiting to rebuke you when you falter in the race of life. Jesus is at the finish line cheering you on and saying, ‘Keep going!’ ‘Keep going!’ His Spirit is within and upon you, available to provide everything you need. 


The Second Wind of Recalling God’s Past Faithfulness 

Following God’s instructions to Joshua, the Israelite army has marched once around the walled city of Jericho daily for 6 days. Now, on the 7th day, they are to march around the city 7 times. (Joshua 6) 

Imagine being a soldier, and you have already marched 6 times around Jericho on that 7th day. Right now, you may be a little weary. And yet, there is still more marching ahead of you. 

It doesn’t make any natural sense. Why the delay of time? Why the incomprehensible marching, using physical strength that you need to reserve for the battle ahead?  Sometimes, life is like that. It seems like you are circling the walls of impossibility; High and Impenetrable.


The Second Wind of Power to Pray 

‘Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.’ (Luke 18:1)

Six times, Elijah has sent his servant to look for the first signs of God’s answer to his prayer for rain. But the sky remains a stubborn blue. 

‘Lord, you have given the word. I know this is your plan. Here I am in Your Presence, and I’m not giving up until I have the answer.’ 

Elijah puts his head down to the ground again and prays. Now, he sends his servant for the 7th time.

“I see a cloud; the size of a man’s hand.” 

 And yet that is all Elijah needs to be certain that God’s answer has arrived. Now he must act quickly on God’s answer. (1 Kings 18:41- 45) You can not stop, keep praying, God’s answer is on the way; learn how to rejoice at small signs! 


The Second Wind of God’s Grace for Forgiveness 

Isaac has been forced to change locations, and the effort of moving his family, servants and flocks is enormous. (Gen 26) His servants have been hard at work re-opening wells that his father Abraham once used and discovering fresh sources of water. 

However, locals contend that the water belongs to them. Remarkably, when a .   dispute over position and property comes up, Isaac is willing to release and move on. There are new wells ahead.   Have you been in a place of dispute? Release the offense and move on. 

Don’t Settle for ‘Enough’ when ‘Encounter’ and ‘Enlargement’ are still Ahead. 

The season of contention is over. Isaac is now free to settle in Rehoboth the place where he has freedom to live. (Gen 26:16-22) But his Divine appointment is still ahead of him. 

Room enough, and yet there is still more. In order to receive the fullness of God’s blessing, Isaac has to forge ahead to God’s appointed place for him, and that is Beersheba. 

Beersheba is significant, and not just because it has access to water. It is a place appointed for Divine encounter. Not only Isaac, but also in times to come Jacob, Hagar and Elijah will have significant encounters with God in Beersheba. And in centuries to come it will be known as the southernmost border of Israel. 

Maybe you have worked hard and are finally positioned in a place where there is ‘room enough’, but God is saying, ‘I have more for you.’ Will you be satisfied with ‘enough’? Or will you press on to the place of encounter and enlargement?


Prophetic Word of Encouragement: 

Today, I believe our God is saying, “Don’t settle for less than the fullness of what He has for you. It has cost you to get where you are today. But He has still more for you up ahead. Receive the second wind of His Spirit and keep going, for Your best season is yet to come and approaching soon.”  


Pastor Clinton House

Family Fall Fest

A message from Pastor House


 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.

2 Corinthians 1:3 KJV


Life can be hard and unpredictable. Uncertain times and stress of today’s circumstances mount high.

An unexpected diagnosis or devastating loss can feel too difficult to face.

While many were gathered at a concert enjoying life with their friends, families, and spouses…they did not know that for some, that would be their last term of endearment. Though we may not realize it, our faith is most strengthened, not in the easy times, but in the most trying. We long for carefree days, yet sometimes, God takes our hand and leads us straight into the darkest of times. Not to harm us, but to bring greater strength, character, trust, beauty, and perseverance to the deepest part of our souls.

I am asking that we join together and pray for the victims and their families for strength during this difficult time, and pray for peace for the city of Las Vegas.


Pastor Clinton House 

Sweet 60 Worship Live

Northern California District Council Pastors and Leaders Conference


NCDC Members – Please register at your local assembly.

MFM Members there is no additional cost to attend, however, if you would like a registration package it is $20

If you would like to receive a registration package the cost is $20

Guest registration is $25 per person

Onsite registration $30

Register by October 27th

Register Here

Hotel Accommodations

Plaza Hotel

One Main Street Las Vegas, NV 89101


800-634-6575 ph

Room Rates $95 plus tax for single/double

Reservation cut-off October 11, 2017