5 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire

Have you ever heard the one about the billionaire who lives in a modest home?
That billionaire is Warren Buffett, who Forbes estimates has a $75.6 billion net worth according to Forbes World’s Billionaire List of 2017. His house? It’s not a sprawling 30,000-square-foot beachfront mansion. No, he lives in a quiet Omaha neighborhood in a $850,000 home that he bought for $31,500 in 1958.
Sure, for most people, living in an $850,000 home is a pipe dream. But if you think about a house like that being occupied by the second richest man in the world . . . it’s pretty surprising, isn’t it?
Warren Buffett could buy any house in the world (with cash!), but he chooses to live in a modest, relatively small home in Omaha. Why is that?
It’s a surprising fact that, according to Thomas Stanley’s book The Millionaire Next Door, “more than 80% [of U.S. millionaires] are ordinary people who have accumulated their wealth in one generation.” The book goes on to say that most millionaires don’t look the part. Most live in normal, middle-class neighborhoods and drive modest cars.
So what can you learn from these millionaires (and even billionaires like Warren Buffett) who don’t live the stereotypical life of a millionaire?
1. They’re avid readers.
President Harry Truman once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” In The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley says that the average millionaire reads one nonfiction book per month.
You get the idea. One of the reasons millionaires become millionaires is because of their constant desire to learn. To them, leadership books and biographies are much more important than the latest hit reality show. When they have free time, they use it wisely—by reading.
2. They understand delayed gratification.
In other words, the average millionaire has spent most of their life sacrificing temporary pleasures for long-term success. They have no problem buying an older, used car, living in a modest neighborhood, and wearing inexpensive clothes. Keeping up with the Joneses isn’t a priority for them.
Those lifestyle decisions allow them to do things like save for retirement and college and build up a large down payment for their dream home. They realize that instant gratification is fun—but delayed gratification is so much better. Today’s sacrifices set them up for tomorrow’s success.
3. They stay away from debt.
The idea of “debt as a tool” is foreign to the average millionaire. If they want something they can’t afford, they save and pay cash for it later.
Car payments, student loans, same-as-cash financing plans—these just aren’t part of their financial plan, and that’s why they win with money. They don’t owe anything to the bank, so every dollar they earn stays with them to spend, to save, and to give.
Debt is the biggest obstacle to building wealth. Run from it every chance you get.
4. They budget.
Your budget is your plan, and you don’t build a net worth of a million dollars without some sort of plan.
Just like you build a house by starting with the foundation, you build wealth by starting with the budgeting basics. And then you keep following them. When you’re making a lot of money, you don’t stop managing it, right?
The average millionaire has made a habit of budgeting every month. They know what’s coming in and what’s leaving their bank account. To this day, Dave Ramsey and his wife still make a monthly budget—a practice they started decades ago. If you only remember one thing, remember this: Budgeting is the key to winning with money.
5. They give.
Sure, some rich people can be selfish jerks—just like anyone else. But the everyday millionaires who live down the street, the ones you don’t even realize are wealthy, are some of the most giving people you’ll ever meet.
Whether it’s tithing at church, donating to a meaningful charity, or just giving to friends and family on occasion, these people have a caring spirit. They realize that the most important thing you can do with wealth is help others. That’s actually why they continue building their wealth. They realize they can’t take it with them when they die. But instead of frivolously spending it all, they choose to leave a legacy for the people who mean the most to them.
This idea that wealthy people always live in ivory towers and wear $500 jeans is a myth. Being successful with money is as simple as living a modest lifestyle that follows a few basic principles.
The more of these habits you follow, the more successful you’ll be with money. Just ask Warren Buffett.
Retrieved from https://www.daveramsey.com/blog/habits-of-millionaires-and-billionaires

Prayer Schedule

Gateway New Members Class

Soul Walk

Three Steps to Take in the New Year

Today we live in a complicated world as it relates to the distractions of television, internet, and social media. It becomes very difficult to prioritize health and fitness each day because they battle for your time along with your normal every day activities.  The path to health and fitness may not be as complicated as you think. Consider these three simple steps as you move towards 2018 being your best healthy and fit year yet!

If you’re a couch potato, parent or an executive, you must see yourself on top. Make a mental picture of yourself being healthy and fit. Imagine yourself in your new body.  Wearing the clothes you love, having endless energy and having self-confidence. Allow this image to permeate your thoughts until you feel the internal peace of attainment.

Once you’ve established the image of your ultra-fit self. Now begin to chart a path. I recommend establishing small workable goals first. Developing consistency is much more beneficial than developing large overwhelming goals. There are many phone apps that have 5-20 minute workout apps that I fine to be very useful. You’ll receive maximum benefits in a short amount of time. My personal favorite apps for exercising and food tracking are the Nike Training Club, MyFitnessPal, and Daily Workout.

Lastly, you must take action. Building elaborate plans and mental mapping success is useless without execution. Taking the first steps can be overwhelming and tiresome, but over time health and fitness becomes effortless, fun, and may become a spiritual outlet. I recommend just starting, even a goal as small as drinking more water every day and taking a 7-minute walk is worth a try. The goal is progress not perfection.

Heyward Jackson
Bad Advice
Well, 2017 is over and here we are at the start of 2018!  That was fast!  Life seems to move faster these days and partly because of the abundance of information we are exposed to on a daily basis.  We live in a time where we can, in the blink of an eye, immediately find some seemly relevant article, posting, or even blog on anything we want.  But there are pros and cons to the speed of this dispensation we live in that has been called the Information Age.  On the positive side, data research and sharing that used to take days to complete can be done in seconds!  Long gone are the days of libraries and the Dewey decimal system being the primary use of research.  And if you don’t know what the Dewey decimal system is, you just made my point!  Times have changed, and information is moving at the speed of light.  With data being shared so fast, complex problems can be solved much faster because many more minds can collaborate more quickly.  On the negative side, if we are not careful, we can become susceptible to information overload.  Information overload happens when a person or group of people is exposed to too much data.
With information given so freely and easy to access, there is never a dearth of opinions on how one should handle your money; everyone has an opinion!  And with information coming at us so fast and with such anonymity, it can be extremely difficult to rightly decipher good advice from bad advice.  Trying to get the best financial advice can be nerve wrecking.  It can be so overwhelming that some of us tend to believe what we hear most often or we tend to give extra credence to people we admire or trust regardless of their financial credentials.  But what if the person (or people) we are taking our financial direction from is lost themselves?  We literally become the blind following the blind.  And we know how where they end up; falling in a ditch.
When it comes to financial advice, first start with the Word of God!  Ask yourself, “What does God say about this?”  If the advice is unethical, immoral, or if it can really hurt you financially if things go wrong, then stay away!  You have to protect yourself and your financial progress.  Sacrificing your integrity is never a worthwhile shortcut.  Secondly, consider the source of this advice.  How financially successful is the source of this information? Are they were you want to be?  Are they following the advice themselves, and if so, is it working for them?  How are they going to prosper if you take their advice?  Watch out for wolves that speak the language a sheep wants to hear!  Oh, and in case you are wondering, the authors of this article have paid off over $100,000 in consumer debt and we are totally debt free!  Thirdly, ask yourself, “Is it too good to be true?”  Everyone likes to get what they want in a hurry, but the bible warns against quick riches (Proverbs 13:11).  Jim Rohn once said, “Success is neither magical or mysterious.  Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.”  And finally, get at least one other opinion from someone you trust to give you good financial advice (so your shopping friend or your favorite cousin or aunt might not be the best choice for advice).  A second opinion might provide a fresh perspective, some insight, or more information that will help you make the best decision.  Remember, safety is found in the multitude of counselors (Proverbs 11:14).
I know everyone that gives financial advice does not have malicious intent, but good intentions from good people does NOT mean you are getting good advice!  Some people just don’t know any better, and they don’t know they don’t know better, so charge it to their head and not their heart.  But it is up to you to be discerning and regulate their influence in your financial life. Poor financial decisions can seriously slow down your progress and can take years to recover from.  So choose wisely who you allow to speak into your financial future.  God Bless.

Alfred King

Veterans Food Drive

Items Needed 

Peanut Butter                                                               Spaghetti Sauce

Peanut & Cheese Crackers                                         Pop-top canned fruits & vegetables (pull tab)                                      

Beef Jerky                                                                     Macaroni & Cheese

Apple Sauce                                                                  Individually Packaged chips/pretzels0Goldfish

Pudding                                                                         Boxed Drinks, juice and water

Fruit Cups                                                                     Vienna Sausages (with pull tab)

Granola Bars                                                                Pop Tarts

Power                                                                            Individual Packets of Oatmeal

Cereal Bars                                                                   Plastic Spoons

Single serving items of Chef Boyardee Items        Gallon Sized Ziploc Bags

Ravioli/ Spaghetti – O’s                                             Fruit Snacks

Single Serving Soups (with pull tab)                        Dried Fruit

Tomato Juice                                                               Trail Mix

Packaged Nuts                                                            Any kind of pasta